Usually, folks don’t want their hot tub to turn into a frozen block. Maintain the water temperature and keep it moving with a properly fitted, insulated hot tub cover. With this setup, the last thing you’ll be worrying about is finding a small ice rink in your hot tub.
The majority of hot tubs won’t freeze overnight or even over several days. Some hot tubs can freeze, though. These are usually the ones with external drains. That’s the reason we avoid using this kind of drain.
It’s quite obvious that the design of the hot tub and the insulation quality play a major role. You need to maintain the water temperature and ensure it’s always moving, which means your spa has to be energy efficient. And an insulated cover is really essential.
The most probable reason for a hot tub freezing is a power.
If your hot tub loses power, the key thing is to resist the urge to remove the cover multiple times. Also, avoid taking out or opening the cabinet door unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Plus, you can buy yourself some time – and maybe some peace of mind by – placing a standard 100 - watt incandescent light bulb inside the cabinet. Or, if possible, fit a small space heaters inside the cabinet. If you do, set it to a low - heat setting. You could maintain the hot tub in that state for a long time. At that point, there’s no urgent repair needed.